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Enter our "Best of the Zillions" contest by creating the best new game for the Zillions engine and win great Zillions prizes!

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"Best of the Zillions" Contest

There are a lot of truly talented folks out there writing games for the Zillions engine. We want to give these folks a nod by giving special awards to the most innovative and fun creations submitted.

The Winners! for round 3 have been selected! Round 4 starts soon.

How it works | Nominees | How to submit your game | Current Prize (new this round!) | Winners!

Here's how it works:

One winner in each category will be selected every three months (or so) from a list that is then voted upon by you, our game players. We will announce the starting and ending date of each contest on the front page of our site and all you have to do is come here to place your vote. When thinking about which game to vote for, here are some things to keep in mind:

Games will be judged in three categories:

1. Chess Variants , 2. Puzzles & 3. Other Games

When considering which are the best games, try using the following criteria:

  • Graphics Quality: Are the graphics original? Do they fit the nature of the game?
  • Game Quality: How interesting is the game itself? Is it fun to play? Is it a challenge?
  • Originality: How unique is the game and what's special about it?
  • Ease of Play: How easy is it to learn how to play the game? Is there enough documentation included for a novice to figure it out?

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And The Nominees Are...
Thanks for helping us choose the best of the best! Welcome to the third round of our "Best of the Zillions" contest. Previous winners are listed at the special winner's circle page. This current contest starts on March 1st, 2002 & ends on June 1st, 2002. Please nominate programs now and we will select several in each catagory for user vote.

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And The Winners Are...

We now have a special winner's circle page where you can view and directly download all the games that have clearly stood out from the pack.

After having a look at the previous winners, why not write to us with your nomination for the next round of the "Best of the Zillions" contest? Feel free to contact us with your suggestions and we'll take them into consideration when setting up the next voting period.

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How to Submit Your Game:
Do you think you have an idea for a fantastic game? Build it in Zillions (
for more information on how to build games within the Zillions interface, upgrade to the new version: 1.3.1 - and consult the Langref.chm file included in the update) and be elligible for one of our cool prizes! Here's how you submit a game for inclusion at the Games section of our site and for possible consideration for these awards:

Submit your game through e-mail and we can add it to the site. If possible, please help us by including a small screenshot for use with your game's listing, a larger screenshot for the game's page, and a ReadMe web page that can be included with the game. Also, please design the .zrf to work if it's installed using the simple instructions at -- we want to get people playing as quickly as possible! This means that custom graphics should be specified as a relative path to the .zrf. Requiring the user to add new graphics to his images folder shuts the door on users who run off the CD-ROM.

From then on until the end of the quarter, the best of the bunch will be chosen for a Zillions of Games award. Right now, these prizes consist of Zillions of Games merchandise - t-shirts, mugs and the like. In the future, we'd like to make those prizes bigger and better. We'll keep you posted on developments.

Good luck!

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Our current prizes are:

A Logitech Wingman Force Feedback Mouse (top voted game overall & second most voted game) & a Zillions golf shirt (third prize)!

Prize For Most Votes Overall & Second Prize (second most votes):
Zillions of Games will allow you to feel a whole range of touch sensations with this powerful mouse!
Click here for more details on the Logitech Wingman.

Third Prize is:
A Zillions of Games golf shirt! This attractive garment can come in either Large or X-Large.

Prizes for the next round will be annouced soon!

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