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Download the Zillions of Games Demo!

Click to see awardsClick one of the links below to download the "Zillions of Games 2.0.1" Demo installer

Download Zillions of Games (17.3 MB)
The smaller download, as it does not include the Microsoft "Windows Installer" (MSI) engine (which you probably have already.) If you don't have version 2.0 of the MSI engine, the installer will automatically try to download it and install it from the web.
- Recommended for Windows XP users and most other users.

Download Zillions of Games + Windows Installer (20.6 MB)
Same as the download above, except also includes the Microsoft "Windows Installer" (MSI) engine 2.0 inside it. No additional connections to the web will be done.
- Recommended for Windows 95/98/Me users.

List of changes between 1.3.1 and 2.0

What Is Zillions of Games?

Get ready to play Reversi, Checkers, Blobs, Vertical Tic-Tac-Toe, Mini-Go, Chinese Chess, "Losing" Chess, Dodgem, Jungle, and many other exciting games and puzzles! Zillions is always ready for a game. In a single coherent user interface, Zillions of Games supports a full range of features including navigation and take-back, hints and solutions, history and strategy, animation and sound, legal move display, skill and time control settings, move list display and printing, search status, pop-up help, "Smart Moves", and much more. Zillions of Games also supports a wide variety of amazing tactile sensations when using the Force Feedback mice.

Zillions of Games uses a revolutionary "universal gaming engine" technology that allows it to play nearly any abstract board game or puzzle in the world. This makes it infinitely expandable. With the full version you can script your own newly-invented game rules, share your games with friends, and download new games from the web.

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About the Demo

This restricted version allows access to 48 of the over 350 game variants that are installed and disables the following features:

    • opening/storing of saved games
    • opening of game rules files
    • board editing
    • network/Internet play


Purchasing and entering an unlock code turns the demo into the full version, by unlocking all the games and restoring all the features. The unlocked version can also play hundreds of free additional games downloadable from our website and others.

CLICK HERE to purchase an unlock code right now!
Or purchase the full retail (CD) version.

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Minimum System Requirements


  • Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • 800 x 600 or higher screen resolution
  • DirectX 8 or higher (You can download it HERE if you don't already have it.)
  • 38 MB of hard-disk space
  • Recommended:

  • 1024 x 768 or higher screen resolution to avoid clipping any boards
  • 16+ bit color
  • Internet connection for online play
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    Instructions for Uninstalling

    1. Open up the "Control Panels" folder by choosing "Settings : Control Panel" from the Start menu
    2. Double-click on Add/Remove Programs
    3. Select "Zillions of Games" from the list
    4. Click the "Add/Remove" button
    5. Confirm your decision by clicking "Yes" in the resulting dialog

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